Saturday, March 12, 2011

Getting a new st[A]rt

My god, how long has it been since I actually updated my's a been a very long time..haha..I don't know why...only to know that over the past months...I've been through a lot..a lot I mean..and at that time, something that I didn't expected to happen..actually did happened and it has taken its toll on me.

Before this, the only reason that I've been writing my blog was because of you..and I thought that being with you would gave me some inspiration for me to always write about my life..write about what I've been doing recently..but unfortunately, you have to go..we have to be apart from each other only for some stupid reason..I don't blame you for this. Maybe it's for the best like you said in the past...that we should go on our separate lives and move on as it is..gosh I really miss you!

Because of that, I've been losing my mind a bit..losing my confidence in doing things..losing my mood in blogging..and unfortunately, losing my ability in writing..all that was because of you..I thought that without you, it would be the end of my inspiration towards everything..I know it sounded stupid but I thought it like that..don't blame me because you gave me a hell of a life back then..I thank you for that. Anyway, I wish you all the best in life and hope to be your good friend in the future. =)

For me, getting a new head start in life makes me much more better than before..I always learned my lessons in my life whether it is about my studies, my attitude or even my relationships life. All this I'm learning everyday slowly and carefully 'till I've reach my ultimate vision...and that is to be the best there is..the best there was and the best that's ever will be. Stay Frosty guys!

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