Monday, August 29, 2011

'Syawal' and what's more?

So I guess you all know that tomorrow's Raya! What plans have you made? Is it gonna be fun and exciting? I know mine is gonna be freaking Awesome! Can't wait for tomorrow..I'm gonna be putting my new purple Baju Melayu shirt with a black sampin just to make it look good..haha and I'm gonna visit all my cousins in Kuantan, Pahang and we're gonna eat eat eat and EAT, baby! wuhuuuu!

Owh I just wanna let u know that this time I'll be celebrating Aidilfitri as a single man and no girlfriend whatsoever..hehe It's kinda lonely I guess but I think I gotta get used to it though..who knows when I'll be falling in love again..I don't quite find the right person yet but never mind..Love's a bad ass'll come to anyone that it wants and just like that the love drunk will come back to me again..but till' then..I just wanna enjoy my single time first..

It's not that I'm that lonely and all.. I mean I still got my [huhahuha] friends! My Hungry soldiers! Hahaha these guys are such good friends to me and It's a pleasure to be knowing them all this long..and most importantly right now, I still got my beloved and adorable Family!! Syukur kepada Tuhan kerana masih memberi ku peluang untuk sambut Raya bersama keluarga Tersayang! So yeah..I don't mind celebrating raya this year being single or whatever..

Finally, to all my dear friends out there, I wish u nothing but happiness for this Raya okay..have a good one and don't forget for the ones that's already gone from this world..let's pray for them and may God bless them..[Raya, raya jugak tapi jangan lupe dunia dan agame k] orait! Assalamualaikum~

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