Thursday, December 30, 2010

Chances in Life.

I never thought of this before. It's about my career. Well, it would be a lie if don't think of this at all just not in a long term. Tonight, something just click inside of me...telling me that I should rethink my career path. I don't know why.

My first thought about my career is that I want to follow on a journalist path or a reporter. why? I love travelling and seeing amazing things no matter what it is as long as it amaze me. Then, I would tell and give feedback about it...about I what saw...about what I witness. That's why my parents keep telling me to go on hoping in being a journalist or something that involves speaking. I agreed with their opinion completely because it really suits my interest untill one day...

That one day, a lot of people came to really admire my writing or should I say 'handiwork'. Why? some say that they love my flowery and romantic words when every time I wrote something. I didn't mean to brag on my capability but this is the truth about what people said to me over the past, and I very much appreciate it. This talking and chatting has got me an offer to be writer at college and other places as well. As days passes by, I received emails about me being a writer with a lot of cash offered which can really afford my family and myself. But, like I said...I've never thought of being a writer at all and that leads me to headaches. Besides, writing is really not my thing actually.

I kept thinking on what I should do. This involves my future big time. Should I switch my path? or should I just stick to my original plan? Till now, I never got to it's solution yet. However, I'm glad that I've received these chances in my life. I thank god and I'll pray that I would make the right choice in the future.

Take care, Guys. =)

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Being someone's mistake hurts me a lot. But then again...It's always been a part of my life that I'm already used to. Moving on..............

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Distant Memory

I've just lost the girl that's pretty much means everything to me. I was too late and too weak to win her heart back. I can't do anything now to get her back because I know that she doesn't love me anymore. I am now become nothing but a Distant memory to her...Guess I have to accept that fact now.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A lesson to be learned.

When the word 'Love' comes to your mind. You can say a lot of things about it. Sometimes people say that love is amazing, some say that love is their passion and some think that love is just another distraction in life. Well unfortunately, every meaning that has been stated here are the truth about love because it completely depends on the people and their situation itself.

From the word 'love', we can conclude the word 'breakups' along the way. Most people had really suffered from breaking ups in their relationships and i tell you that It ain't pretty. It really took the HELL out of us. Moreover, This 'tragedy' can leave some very unusual side effects to most of us.

My recent relationship didn't go so well at all. We split up because of many things and most of it was probably my fault and I admit it. Although It really took the hell out of me and probably left me in a 'blurry' state, I've learned one lesson in life.

A lesson that is likely essential to me. To my life. Even though that love sometimes can really break our hearts. Even though love sometimes can give us a very hard time. And even though love can sometimes left us in a very hard choice to make, I've learned that we should never ever give up on Love.

I...will always believe in LOVE.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Giving an Effort on something..

No matter what kind of things that we are doing or having..We can never ever go backwards. Don't quit and dont give up easily. Be strong and always give efforts in what we are doing or having even though we are not ready for it. For how long do we must not be ready for right? Everything has a start and everything must be given some efforts in order to achieve greatness..Believe, Faith, Hustle, Loyalty, Respect and Determination are very much Essential in Our daily Lives.

[I'm typing very slow tonight and maybe a bit jibbrish with the errors..My fingers and arms are Injured and still in a recovery process...well, at least I've tried giving an effort to write my Blog right.]

Peace Out, My friends.